Strategic IP Management

Strategic, cost-effective and appropriate intellectual property management

Companies require strategic, cost-effective and appropriate intellectual property management.

Mad K IP offers experienced consultants that provide robust analysis of IP assets and who have extensive IP experience and expertise in relation to the protection and exploitation of IP assets, to ensure that our clients receive bespoke, fit-for-purpose advice.

Our advisory services assist our clients to enable their businesses with a strategy of what, how and when to protect, exploit and police.

We provide:

  • Strategic advice on a cost-effective, appropriate IP strategy to adopt for the efficient, most appropriate protection and exploitation of your IP
  • Guidance to enable the most valuable and revenue-generating IP protection and management
  • Exploitation strategies for less valuable, non-strategic IP
  • Identification of deficiencies in IP capabilities so these are addressed via IP licensing or IP acquisition strategies

Got the IP and all – now what?

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